Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring is Springing

So very rarely does spring break correspond with actual Spring in Indiana. However, this week, while I am on vacation at home from work & school, God has seen fit to give 60' temps & gorgeous, beautiful blue skies & sunshine.

I spent today walking & sunning myself in a local park (Holliday, thank you Kristin & Jeff & Ade for the find ;). So good to just sit & breathe, with nowhere to be, no schedule to keep.

Yesterday was spent at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, where these very springy pics were taken. This is one of my favorite places in Indy, because it holds art, it is free to the general public year-round, and will open a 100-acre woods :), a sculpture park, in June. It has an historic home (Lilly House, whose endowment makes the free entry possible) and beautiful greenhouse & gardens, along the White River, where the trail from downtown comes thru' (so now I can bike to the museum).

I love museums because art & science remind me that I am created. For me, every piece of art is a commentary, a dialogue on God and His work, whether the artist is seeking, rejecting, or in ignorance or apathy of Him - because God first created, every act of the creation's hands is part of that conversation, whether it is acknowledged or not. Perhaps this is why museums feel like sacred spaces to me, and every work is an altar to something, a chance to reflect on a particular aspect of God's story.

Vacation began with yucky weather but a beautiful wedding that was a testament to God's faithfulness to His children, and my friend Miriam's faithfulness to Him (and of course, Steve's :). Friends & de facto family trekked to a tiny church in a tiny town to celebrate, and tho' the rain rained & the wind blew, and none of us had ever been there before, and few of us had met the groom, it felt like family had reassembled for just a few hours in this place. I remain convinced that the honoring of God in that place is what brought the spring.

Sunday Dawn & Katie & I worshipped with Jeff & Ade & Glori at another community of believers in Indy, and it felt good & right to once again seek God together, and then share a meal & rest together before heading out to our individual callings.

I took Katie to my small group in the evening, because I'm the only non-nurse/doctor/med student, and sure 'nuff, she fit right in. To my great delight, this group of followers (in Indy) was able to share their resources to help Katie (from Orlando) find the next step in her vocational journey - an organization of Christ-committed medical centers that can offer support & contacts as she seeks to treat the whole person in underserved communities. In the words of my friend Lori, is God good or what? ;)

Monday I had the chance to show Katie my favorite coffee shop (Henry's on East, where I sit now in the late afternoon sun), visit the IU bookstore, and try on beautiful sparkly bling @ Tiffany's (because sometimes you just need to feel like a princess ;). Followed by a few lazy days of reading in Borders and watching movies and bathing in sunshine, I feel refreshed to head back to work & school craziness. Tonight is laundry & homework night, tomorrow I meet my friend Julia at a legendary Indianapolis blues joint for lunch (The Slippery Noodle), and tomorrow night I head back to work.

Sorry for the ramble, and if you made it thru' to the end, thanks for letting my contentedness ebb over onto your day. Now I'm going to go listen to & give feedback on an Onion posting for a stranger at the next table, because I'm not busy ;).

Friday, February 19, 2010

Course Correction

Yay, I'm not going to be a double major!! :) I thought the only way I could get the teaching certification & studio experience I wanted/needed was to double major in studio art & art education. I figured I could do it part time, it would just take me longer (hence the 40th birthday finish goal).

Turns out, in the words of my advisor, "no way". More precisely, the art ed program is structured in such a way that the possibility of me doing it at 3 classes a semester is slim to none. What's a budding art teacher/full-time+ tech support rep to do??

Turns out, Indianapolis University offers a 1-year MAE program (Master of Art in Education) for anyone with a bachelors degree. This apparently includes BFAs, so after my undergrad, I take an intense 10-month course in education, and (hopefully) at the end of 5 years, instead of 2 bachelors, I'll have my BFA AND my MAE, and the only grad work I'll need to do is for fun!!

Is God good or what?? That means I can take a General Studio major, which will allow me to take pretty much whatever I want, and get all kinds of experience in all kinds of mediums, which is what I think I need anyway to teach. Coincidentally, it's also what I really, really want to do. :)

So move over Classroom technology & PPST testing & math, here I go with furniture design, printmaking, photography, & metalsmithing :)

Also, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spring is coming (maybe? :)

Like the rest of the country, we've had unusually heavy snowfall the last few weeks (for Indy anyway). I love the way it softens the sounds of the city, and frosts all the gingerbread houses in my neighborhood. This is the B&B next door to me, the Yellow Rose Inn, and it was glowing this first night of winter wonderland.
But while I love the softness of the snow, I'm pining for spring! I'm tired of turtlenecks & boots & kneesocks - I want shorts & flip flops, my feet are claustrophobic! I bought these tulips on Valentine's Day, because they were so beautiful and they remind me that fresh, green life is not far over the horizon.
If you feel trapped in a literal or figurative winter right now, find some tulips & hang on with me! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eat Food (not food-like substances) & Use Your Body

So I've decided to quit feeling bad about the way I feel & look, and do something about it. 3 weeks ago I started back on the South Beach Diet (which isn't so much a diet as changing the way you eat permanently), and my cabinets & refrigerator have been purged!

The premise is that all the starch/processed carbs/sugar we eat hits our system as sugar, triggers an insulin response & instant energy, and then drops us when it's over (this is the source of cravings). So white sugar/flour/rice/pasta/starch/corn syrup are out, and healthy food (& fiber) is in!

That means lean meat, veggies, eggs, dairy, nuts, beans, fruit, whole grains, olive & healthy oils/fats, and the occasional dark chocolate - yay! :) Big no-nos are potatoes, corn, white processed (enriched) flour, fruit juice (all sugar, no fiber) processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup (which is in just about everything processed or "low-fat" - including sauces & YOGURT).

The results are convincing - no more sugar/carb cravings, no more reflux/heartburn, more sustained energy, and, um..."normalized" digestion :). Also, 10 lbs: bye-bye.

Some have asked what I CAN eat, so here's a sample Saturday cooking/assembly list:
  • BREAKFAST - 1 crustless quiche: 4-6 eggs, cup of light cream or milk, cup of grated cheese, 2-3 cups fresh sauteed veggies - bake for 25m in pie plate, quick reheat nutritious breakfast! Also, coffee is in, just w/ Splenda instead of sugar
  • SNACK - cheese sticks, piece of fruit or nuts
  • LUNCH - veggies/cheese/mixed greens for salad, homemade dressing - olive oil & balsalmic vinegar w/ basil - OR - rare roast beef wrapped in red lettuce leaves w/ horseradish cream cheese & parsley
  • SNACK - veggies w/ dill dip (made from Greek yogurt or farm cheese (yay Traders Point! :)
  • DINNER - homemade soup OR something like grilled pork chops w/ steamed or roasted veggies or salad
  • DESSERT/BEDTIME TREAT - OK, this sounds weird but if you like cannoli you know where this is going - a couple tablespoons of ricotta cheese w/ a little splenda, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg - tastes almost like tapioca :) and last night, I whipped in some mascarpone cheese (tiramisu) and added sugar-free raspberry jam instead of splenda & flavorings - SO YUMMY!!! especially w/ a square of dark chocolate!!
I'm slowly adding in more fruit & whole grains, like bread/toast, tortillas, oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain pasta, but even w/ the fiber, these are what your body converts to sugar, so I make sure I eat them w/ protein so I don't start the sugar/insulin/energy swing again. Occasionally dropping off the wagon (like a meal w/ friends) isn't the end of the world, I just get strict again for a day or 2 to make sure the cravings/pounds don't come back.

Anyway, I'm also doing interval training in the mornings (even 20m a day makes a difference!), and I'm hoping to be back to my (first :) college size by the end of the year.

Don't worry, I'm not trying to be "skinny", I just want to like me and that includes curves. Also, I still think I'm the girl that can hike/canoe thru' the Algonquin w/ a 50lb pack on her back, and that's probably delusional. So I want to make sure I can do pretty much whatever I want to do, and this will get me there, healthily.

If you're interested, pick up the South Beach Diet (Supercharged) at the library & give it a read. Btw, I got my doctor started on it too :)

Winter Storm

We only got the tail end of the winter storm that smacked down on the mideast, but we got enough to set up this picture...
I took this on a block near my apartment where the crows congregate - they're usually a neighborhood nuisance, but Friday night, they made a beautiful picture against the night sky & snow. I was having trouble with my camera focus, but I decided to go with it, and I love the mood of this photo.

Friday, February 5, 2010


These photos made me laugh this week, at the joy every species seems to get from messing with each other :)

I took this one yesterday when I left class, in front of the art school...

This one is of one of my classmates' cats - it's better than a story, because aren't you visualizing the next frame right now?? :)

What's the mischief in your mind right now? ;)

Fall '09 - Progress continues

Here are some of my best pieces from last semester...

This still life is an homage to my love of story & reading, and the art of Chris Van Allsburg.

The portrait is of my classmate Erin & represents some hard-fought-for progress in drawing! (btw, when the model doesn't show up, you draw each other :)

The plaster twisty-sculpture is an abstract form based loosely on fire and the Trinity, and also on how far I could push wet plaster before it cracked & collapsed on me (this was the 2nd effort ;)

This one requires a little explanation... it's a (conceptual) walking stick, a wooden
staff project that was required to have some sort of "magical" function. Didn't really have a problem with magic per se, but I also didn't relate to the whole wizard thing & the associated imagery... so I sold my prof on this spiritual/life journey/reliquary/walking stick. The doors are all based on various stages & experiences in my life, and they hold "relics", scripture, letters from those times.
The stick is crafted from (2) 8' 2x4's, with slot & peg construction (and a heckuva lot of wood glue ;).